
Leandro Greff da Silveira

"Quantum Mechanical calculations in the development of 3-(4-alkyloxyphenyl)-5-(4-aryl)isoxazole Liquid Crystals Series"

Doctoral Thesis - Defended on July 06, 2024
Graduate Program in Chemistry
Supervisor: Paolo Roberto Livotto, Co-Supervisor: Giacomo Prampolini

Vinícius Esteves Teixeira

"Theoretical study of the effect of contraion in the polymerization mechanism by organometallics catalist as such as iron bis imino pyridines and nickel diimines
Doctoral Thesis - Defended on November 16, 2020

"Polyurethanases: Computational study of enzymes with potential action on the degradation of polyurethanes"
Doctoral Thesis - Defended on July 12, 2019
Graduate Program in Chemistry

Supervisor: Paulo Augusto Netz

Helen Nathalia Thompson

"Computational investigation of prionic diseases: influence of the force fields and the states of protonation in the structural conversion of the cellular prion protein"
Doctoral Thesis - Defended on August 10, 2018
Graduate Program in Chemistry
Supervisor: Hubert Karl Stassen

Chiara Valsecchi
"Theoretical studies of ionic pairs based on the imidazole at atomistic and coarse-grained in solution and biological membranes"
Doctoral Thesis - Defended on March 26, 2018
Graduate Program in Chemistry
Supervisor: Hubert Karl Stassen

Josene Maria Toldo
"Photochemistry of aromatic carbamates and derivatives by electronic structure methods: from Photo-Fries rearrangement to pesticide degradation"
Doctoral Thesis - Defended on October 20, 2017
Graduate Program in Chemistry
Supervisor: Paulo Fernando Bruno Gonçalves

Tiago Espinosa de Oliveira

"Computational investigations of structural, thermodynamic and dynamic properties of the thermosensitive polymer poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) in aqueous solution"

Doctoral Thesis - Defended on November 22, 2016
Graduate Program in Chemistry
Supervisor: Paulo Augusto Netz

William Kelbert Nitschke

"Molecular Dynamics of Jaburetox and derived peptides in phospholipid bilayer"

Doctoral Thesis - Defended on July 8, 2016

Graduate Program in Chemistry

Supervisor: Hubert Karl Stasse Sandro Marmitt

"Mechanistic investigation of organic cycles for CO2 fixation in presence of ionic liquids: a theoretical and computational approach

Doctoral Thesis - Defended on December 15, 201

Graduate Program in Chemistry

Leonardo Uhlmann Soares
"Theoretical Calculations of the Hydrogen Abstraction Reactions from ethanol through Eletronic Structure Methods with CC basis sets and Extrapolation Models"
Doctoral Thesis - Defended on January 31, 2012
Graduate Program in Chemistry
Supervisor: Paolo Roberto Livotto

Norka Beatriz Huaman Lozano
"Induced far infrared absorption in liquid methane"
Doctoral Thesis - Defended on October 30, 2008
Graduate Program in Chemistry
Supervisor: Hubert Karl Stassen

Jones de Andrade
"Ionic Liquids : Force Field Development and study of their physical and structural properties"
Doctoral Thesis - Defended on February 19, 2008
Graduate Program in Chemistry
Supervisor: Hubert Karl Stassen

Eduardo Fischli Laschuk
"New Semiempirical Formalism for Quantum Chemical Calculations"
Doctoral Thesis - Defended on August 19, 2005
Graduate Program in Chemistry
Supervisor: Paolo Roberto Livotto

Márcio Marques Martins
"Influence of molecular parameters on Time Correlation Functions of Mechanical Solvation Dynamics"
Doctoral Thesis - Defended on September 22, 2004
Graduate Program in Chemistry
Supervisor: Hubert Karl Stassen

Sílvia Dani
"Molecular Dynamics computer simulation of spectroscopyc equilibrium properties in CS2/C6C6 liquid mistures"
Doctoral Thesis - Defended on October 22, 2003
Graduate Program in Chemistry
Supervisor: Hubert Karl Stassen

Paulo Fernando Bruno Gonçalves
"New models for calculation of Free Energy of Solvation in Molecular Dynamics simulations"
Doctoral Thesis - Defended on February 2, 2003
Graduate Program in Chemistry
Supervisor: Hubert Karl Stassen


Master Dissertation - Defended on July 29, 2002
Chemistry Graduate Program
Supervisor: Hubert Karl Stassen

Rodrigo Sebastian Iglesias
"Theoretical computational study of the intramolecular proton transfer in molecules of 2-(2'-hydroxyphenyl)benzazoles type"
Master Dissertation - Defended on January 27, 2000
Chemistry Graduate Program
Supervisor: Paolo Roberto  Livotto

Paulo Fernando Bruno Gonçalves
"Molecular cavities optimization using the Polarizable Continuun Model in the AM1 and MNDO/PM3 semiempirical methods"
Master Dissertation - Defended on February 25, 1999
Chemistry Graduate Program
Supervisor: Paolo Roberto Livotto

Luís Henrique Wasilewski
"Density Functional Theory calculations of ethyne-palladium molecules"
Master Dissertation - Defended on April 8, 1997
Chemistry Graduate Program
Supervisor: Paolo  Roberto Livotto
