Sergio Eduardo Lucho Kruel
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Every acquired item must be submitted to the DEPATRI, in order to be registered. Items with more than 150 kg, or with a volume of more than 2m³, or that cannot be moved, must be registered locally. The solicitation for registry must be made through specific SEI process and formulary, by the person who bought the item.
The Patrimonial Agent of the IQ works as an extension to the DEPATRI of the Institute of Chemistry, and is responsible by the operation of the patrimonial system of the institute. Therefore, the changes on responsibility system and item localization, the scheduling of item collection with the DEPATRI, further alterations and registry verification of items on the system are their responsibility. It is up to the responsible/co-responsible server to take care of the items, informing/soliciting to the patrimonial agent any alteration cited above, and eventual damage to the items.
Patrimonial Load of the Server: The server is habilited to verify the items that are on their patrimonial load through Portal do Servidor > aba Servidor > Informações Funcionais > Patrimônio Co-Responsável / Patrimônio Responsável. If necessary, the patrimonial agent can generate a report in PDF format for assessment.
Third party Items: Registered items that were acquired with non-UFRGS funds, usually from research projects (FINEP, CNPq , CAPES, etc). These items cannot be collected until the project’s accounts have been rendered, and property of the item has been transferred to the university.
Items Without Patrimony: According to the rules, the items must be registered on the moment they were bought, through DEPATRI; items being used without patrimony must have their registration required through specific SEI process and formulary. In addition, according to the rules, the registration is made after a bill of sale is submitted. Special cases might be registered through inventory. Maintenance and restoration will only be made in items that have patrimony number.
Registered Items, no Patrimony Number: In case an item loses its Patrimony Number plaque, a new one must be requested to the Patrimonial Agent.
Further information: for further information on procedures, contact the Patrimonial Agent through the following phone number: (51) 3308-9781.PROCEDURES FOR PATRIMONIAL ALTERATION DEMAND.
- Every demand related to patrimonial alteration must be requested through formulary of patrimonial demand, available on the Institute of Chemistry’s website;
- The Patrimonial Agent of the IQ will proceed with the requested alterations, collecting the necessary signatures from the responsibles.
- The item registration request must be made by the server who bought the item, through a specific SEI process. The responsibility of the Patrimonial Agent is only of helping on the filling-in of the form.
- The physical relocation of the item is not a responsibility of the Patrimonial Agent, and must be requested at the Infrastructure Division.
- Third party or unregistered items will not be collected.