Internal Regiment (last updated May 2nd, 2014 - CPG Minutes 106)
Regulates the deadline for concepts appropriation by Professors
Regulates the accumulation of scholarship and paid work activity by the student
Regulates the maximum number of credits for each PPGQ course
Addresses the qualification exam for a Master’s degree
Addresses the minimum number of students in each PPGQ course
Regulates the teaching practice by students
Regulates the preparation of Doctorate Thesis by the integration of scientific articles
Addresses financial aid for students to participate in scientific events
Regulates the admission of international Doctorate and post-Doctorate students
Regulates the equivalency of credits studied at different graduate programs
Addresses the course seminars
Regulates the special student modality
Regulates admission straight to the Doctorate program
Addresses the norms of writing and presentation of the Doctorate qualification exam
Regulates the transposition of Master’s to Doctorate
Regulates the equivalency of seminars watched out of IQ/UFRGS and PPGQ
Addresses the deadlines for delivering printed copies and digital copies of Master’s Dissertations, Doctorate Thesis, and Qualification Exams
Addresses writing norms for Master’s Dissertation and Doctorate Thesis