M.Sc / Ph.D. student
The student approved in the admission process of PPGQ, being in the Master’s or Doctorate programs, can enroll as a Regular Student or Special Student (Resolution 13/2017). Note that
the period for the Special Student modality is up to 1 year, but at any time the student may request his/her enrollment as a regular one. However, after the 1 year period, the student
must enroll as a regular student. Not doing so will terminate his/her status as a PPGQ special student.
In the special student modality we highlight that:
- The deadline for the defense is not being counted
- Courses taken will be automatically transferred at the enrollment as a regular student
- The student may attend Mandatory Seminars e sign the presence book, so it may be counted at the time of enrollment as a regular student
We also highlight:
- If an admitted student can receive a scholarship (according to the classification and availability), he/she must enroll as a Regular Student, considering that the Special Student may not receive a scholarship.
- If a student is approved in the admission process and at that time there’s no scholarship available, he/she may enroll as a Special Student and, as soon as it becomes available (according to the classification) must enroll as a Regular Student, for its implementation. The classification is valid until the beginning of a new admission process.
- Enrollment in courses from other Graduate Programs at UFRGS can only be requested by regular students.
- The request and proof of enrollment printing from the student portal can only be made by regular students. Special students should request it by PPGQ’s email (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.).
- Financial support for participation at national or international events is only available to PPGQ’s regular students.
For other modalities please check Resolution 62/2018 of CEPE/UFRGS.