What is it?
Institutional Project to foster the construction, implementation, and consolidation of internationalization strategic plans of contemplated institutions in the area by them prioritized. Encourage the formation of an international research network to improve the quality of academic production linked to graduate studies. Expand actions that support internationalization at a graduate level in the contemplated institutions. Promote faculty and student mobility with an emphasis on Doctorate candidates, Postdoctorate, and Faculty abroad and from abroad to Brazil, linked to stricto sensu graduate programs with international cooperation. Foster the transformation of participating institutions at an international level. Integrate other CAPES promotion actions into internationalization efforts.
Who can participate?
PPGQ Faculty and Students who develop his/her research project in collaboration with international research groups within the areas established by UFRGS and that PPGQ is inserted (below). Yet, Faculty and Students who wish to participate in international scientific congresses within the selected areas and that are relevant to the internationalization of PPGQ.
Theme areas PPGQ participates in
1. Sustainable development; diversity; climate change; environmental, social, and economic sustainability including ethical and legal aspects.
2. Integration between basic science, information technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM).
3. Impact, development, and insertion of the new technologies, artificial intelligence and robotics, information technology, and robotics in the future of work.
5. Future energy, new fuels, including recyclables.
7. Food chain, agriculture, and food security.
8. Training of high-level human resources, given the necessary diversity and the qualification for incremental and cultural transformation capable of leading Brazil to a new paradigm of socio-economic development, linked to the incrementation of knowledge in all sectors of society.
PPGQ Proposal on CAPES/PrINT Program here.
Prof. Dr. Jairton Dupont lecture “Impacts of the institutional internationalization program PrInt/CAPES at UFRGS” on May 2nd, 2019 here.
Internal PrInt Notices opened via PROPG
- Notice 001/2019 - Work Missions, Individual Missions, Activities, and Presentations
- Addendum Call 001/2019 - Date: June 11th, 2019
- Processing only via SEI process (Tutorial) - Date: August 24th, 2019
- Processing only via SEI process (Revised Tutorial) - Date: October 27th, 2019
- Notice 002/2019 - Doctorate scholarship
- Addendum Notice 002/2019 - Date: June 6th, 2019
According to addendum 2 to Notice 002/2019 (here), the “Commitment Term” was substituted by the “Scholarship Acceptance and Grant Term”. Page 6 (power of attorney) remains the same and should be notarized (signature) at a Notary’s office in Brazil. Page 5 should have original signatures and it is not necessary to notarize the signature. Download here the template of “Scholarship Acceptance and Grant Term” that must be turned in by the selected candidates. The delivery made be made after the announcing of the selection process results by PROPG.
- Notice 003/2019 - Visiting Professor Abroad
- Addendum Notice 003/2019 - Date: June 11th, 2019
- PrInt calls - March and April 2020 - Date: December 26th, 2019
- Notice 005/2019 - Visiting Professor in Brazil
- Notice 001/2020 - Visiting Professor Abroad
- PrInt call (revision) - May and June 2020 - Date: March 4th, 2020
- Notice 002/2020 - Visiting Professor in Brazil
More information on PROPG and CAPES websites.