Post defense procedures
Students who have completed their Master or Doctorate Final Defense must follow the following steps to finalize the process and issue the diploma:
1. After the final defense, the student should make the corrections within the deadline established on the Defense Act. After corrected, a letter from the advisor should be delivered at the Office (no model available) informing that the corrections suggested by the Examination Board were made. Also, deliver a digital copy of the work’s final version in PDF format (single file) in a flash drive or by email. If you choose to send by email, it should be made before the delivery of the letter to PPGQ;
2. Upon delivery of item 1, if the student hasn’t downloaded it, he/she will receive from the Office a Copy Request (02 vias) to authorize the printing of his/her work. It should be authorized by the PPGQ (signature and stamp) to be later taken to PROPG both copies, for printing authorization;
3. Mandatory only for work with content restriction or for those who wish to obtain his/her printed copy: take the Copy Request authorized by PROPG and the work final version in a PDF format (single file in a flash drive) at UFRGS's Print Shop, where a service order will be opened for 1 black and white printed version.
OBS: Any alteration on the Service Order, for example, a higher number of copies or in color, should be paid directly to UFRGS’ print shop.
4. If the work’s final version DOESN’T HAVE ANY RESTRICTION, deliver it in PDF format (single file in a flash drive) and 2 filled out copies of the Thesis/Dissertation Availability Authorization Term at UFRGS’ Digital Library. The librarian at the Chemistry Institute will return 1 copy of the Term signed and stamped.
**If the final work has a partial or total restriction, deliver a complete version and a partial version, all in PDF format (in a flash drive) for the same procedure.
For more information click here.
5. Deliver at the PPGQ Office the Thesis/Dissertation Availability Authorization Term (item 4);
6. After item 5 and the homologation of the Defense by the Coordinating Committee of PPGQ, the Office will release in the UFRGS System for the student to apply for the diploma through the Student Portal. At this point an email will be sent to the student stating that they can now open the online process for the issuance of their diploma;
7. When the online issuance process is started, a copy of the Undergraduate/Master’s Diploma (depending on the case), ID, and CPF are required to be included. Automatic emails from the Diploma Division about the process will be sent (to the email registered at the POSGRAD System);
8. After the process is completed the diploma may be collected by the student.
Where to receive the Academic Master’s/Doctorate Diploma?
- Place of collection:
PROPG – Division of Stricto Sensu Graduate Diplomas and Certificates
Av. Paulo Gama, 110 - 7th-floor Rectory Building
Bairro Farroupilha - Porto Alegre/RS
- Working hours:
Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm.
More information at PROPG/UFRGS.