The UFRGS Graduate Program in Chemistry holds at least two annual admission processes, one each semester, through public notices, to fill the vacancies in its Master’s degree program. Applicants are required to submit online all documents necessary to enter the MSc selection process.
PPGQ holds its admission process out of UFRGS, out of state, and even abroad
For more information about the admission calendar and the public notice in English: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.
The admission is based on:
1. Evaluation of the documentation sent by the candidate;
2. Exam composed of 3 questions of each concentration area (Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, and Analytical Chemistry), in a total of 12 questions. Candidates should choose 10 out of the 12 questions, to answer.
The classification of the exam is the criteria for filling the vacancies and distributing scholarships (the number of scholarships may vary for each selection process).
All information regarding the selection process is posted on PPGQ’s webpage and social media.
Candidates interested in Master’s degree scholarships should indicate so, at the time of application. The scholarships received by the program, under annual quotas from CNPq and CAPES, will be granted to candidates classified by the scholarship committee, which will be based on the final result of the current notice.
For more information about current notices, click here.